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Zero Trust Approach: What Is It and Why Should You Follow It?

As cyber attacks become more sophisticated the security framework of Zero Trust should be at the forefront of everyone’s mind, especially when protecting sensitive data.

The process of Zero Trust involves confirming every stage and device that is connected to a network before allowing the device to gain access to the infrastructure, with a rooted principle of “never trust, always verify”. Through using authentication methods it leverages network segmentation and provides threat protection. The concept was created to go against traditional methods which previously allowed users to have limited access to networks without a time limit.

With hybrid working environments now the norm, and with more companies migrating to the cloud, adopting this approach can help your organisation to achieve a higher level of security, without complexity.

The start point is to identify your most valuable data; understand who your users are and what applications they use.  You can then set about enforcing the approach.

So, what are the benefits?

Greater network visibility

Zero Trust never assumes that anything should be trusted to enter a network, therefore you gain more control over your security policies, once you have a policy in place this allows you to gain complete visibility of your network – giving you access to information such as location, time and applications used with each request.

Enhanced data protection

Zero Trust can help stop malware attacks and unauthorised personnel from gaining access to your company’s data which could result in a loss of reputation. Limiting the amount of time a user has access to your resources helps reduce the impact if a breach was to occur by also limiting the amount of time a hacker would have to then access the data they want to steal.

Help your inhouse team

Using a Zero Trust Approach can help you optimise your network for your inhouse teams, giving them valuable data to access to help maintain your cyber security infrastructure. It can also help staff to focus on what are considered real threats instead of using time and resources on non urgent tasks.

Secure your remote workers

According to recent research, 63% of remote workers have the freedom to work from exactly where they want to. With numerous VPNs set up as a result of the pandemic, this means increased risk of security breaches; performance issues for many companies have also increased. With Zero Trust, automation is streamlined to only what the user needs to access on a certain device, without having to wait for approval.


Find out more about Zero Trust or contact a FullProxy expert to discuss how we can help today.


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