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Keylogger Spyware: What is a Keylogger?

What is a keylogger/keystroke logger?

Keyloggers, otherwise known as Keystroke loggers, are becoming increasingly popular with cybercriminals. As a form of spyware, keyloggers can monitor keys pressed on a keyboard either through a software program or hardware device used to gain access to sensitive and private information and can even capture your screen. The data collected is normally stored in a file, which is either looked at later or sent to hackers monitoring your actions.

Keyloggers can come in different forms. A software keylogger is a form of malware that infects devices and can spread to other devices the computer encounters. A hardware keylogger, however, cannot spread to other devices.

How is a keylogger used?

A keylogger can be installed on your computer in several ways. This can be done by clicking on a suspicious link. Software keyloggers are the most popular form that hackers use, passwords stolen using keyloggers are often used to gain access to email accounts, and bank accounts or to gain access to websites where personal information can be seen.

Hardware Keyloggers are like Software Keyloggers, however, hardware keyloggers must be connected to a computer in order to record your keystrokes. Due to this, it’s extremely important that organisations monitor who has access to their network and the devices that are being connected to it.

According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, just over half of businesses (54%) have acted in the past 12 months to identify cyber security risks however, qualitative interviews conducted found that limited understanding often meant that risks are passed onto; outsourced cyber providers, insurance companies, and or an internal cyber colleague. Any unauthorised access to a device on your network could install a hardware keylogger that can run undetected until its too late and your sensitive data has been breached.

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Start by safeguarding your network and devices. One of the primary ways keyloggers infect computers is through malware. Invest in quality protection such as, FortiClient with threat protection. In order to create a barrier against any of the latest keyloggers and viruses. The best way to detect a keylogger is by checking your task manager, are there any unfamiliar tasks that are running?

How do keyloggers work?

Keyloggers work by monitoring keystrokes when a key gets pressed on a keyboard the information gained via the keystroke then appears on the monitor. There are numerous ways to do this.

Hackers can even use hidden video surveillance to see the connection between the pressed keys and what appears on a monitor. The camera can then record keystrokes and the login or authentication screens that your keyboard strokes are being used for.

A hacker can also place a bug within your keyboard, recording each stroke made. It is even possible for a keylogger to be placed within the wiring or inside of a device. Keylogger software can be designed to pick up all inputs into a keyboard through a variety of different methods such as a filter driver positioned within a keyboard or a system hook, which is a way of altering the operating system’s behaviour or by monitoring each notification generated whenever is a key is pressed.

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