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NIS 2 Directive What Will This Mandate Mean for Your Business?

As technology continues to develop, unfortunately so do vulnerabilities. As a result of this, the Council of the European Union (EU) has introduced the NIS 2 Directive, an updated framework to help create cyber security resilience across critical sectors such as healthcare and banking. In this blog we will provide you with an overview of the NIS 2 Directive, its implications, and the steps you should take to achieve compliance and enhance your businesses security posture.

Expanding scope and precise reporting

The NIS 2 Directive expands its reach beyond the previous NIS Directive, NIS 2 will now cover new sectors that operate within the following industries, energy, healthcare, banking and transport. This will apply to your business if you have over 50 employees and an annual turnover that exceeds 10 million euros. Not only this, but the reporting of cyber threats has now been refined, with early warning reports, initial assessments and final reports now needed within specific timeframes.

Standardised Measures and Penalties

The new directive changes aim to establish security measures and incident reporting requirements across the EU, promoting cooperation within member states. Stricter penalties have been introduced for noncompliance, which could potentially see fines reach up to 10 million euros.

Key Aspects of the NIS 2 Directive

  • NIS 2 sets out various compliancy standards to help businesses achieve greater cyber security.
  • Creating resiliency from the start: Measures must be put in place to prevent, detect, and respond to identified risks, including multi-layered cybersecurity defenses. Companies should look to adapt to ever-changing technology by investing in new technologies such as AI.
  • Managing third-party and supply-chain cybersecurity risks is also crucial. Standards like ISO 27001 can help mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Information security management systems should be used within an infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and help manage risk.
  • Analysing risk and vulnerability: Sectors and entities should constantly assess risks and vulnerabilities throughout all of their operational stages, including the supply chain and ecosystem considerations.
  • Assessing Risk Management Measures: Regular assessment of cybersecurity risk management measures is required.
  • Encryption: The NIS 2 Directive encourages the use of encryption measures for data protection, and end-to-end encryption may be mandatory for certain providers.
  • Strengthening Security: To fortify cybersecurity resilience and adhere to the NIS2 Directive, organisations should proactively assess their current security posture.
  • Crisis Management: Your organisation should have detailed plans and architectures in place to ensure downtime is avoided during any cyber-attacks.

The NIS 2 Directive is a critical step towards enhancing cyber security resilience in Europe. Organisations must prioritise compliance by evaluating their security measures, addressing vulnerabilities, and adopting best practices outlined in the directive. Taking proactive steps today will ensure a more secure digital environment for businesses and consumers across the EU.

At FullProxy, we can help your business adhere to NIS 2 Directive standards using new and innovative technologies not only that, but we also have a fantastic team of technical consultants that can guide you through the process of becoming more resilience. Arrange a chat with us here.



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