Latest Cyber Security Software Releases

Latest Software Release

The world of cyber security never sleeps and so to ensure we stay on the front foot, we always always aim to be up to date with the latest software releases and the improvements they offer our clients. One of the most recent updates we wanted to bring to your attention is the release of F5 TMOS 16.1.0.

TMOS 16.1.0 has been labelled as LTS, which means that F5 will be providing Long Term Support for this version. Here at FullProxy we fully advocate LTS releases and therefore advise clients to plan to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

The reasons we promote the use of LTS version are threefold. Firstly, they provide new security features over and above those offered in the previous Major release, in this case TMOS 15.x. Secondly, they are a stable version of code which combines all the fixes since the launch of the current Major release, i.e. TMOS 16.0. Last and by no means least, this new version comes with three years of software support from F5 rather than the usual two.

If you’re currently running a version of F5’s TMOS, make sure you update to this new release without delay. And don’t forget that here at FullProxy, we can make sure that your cyber security is always up to date by providing regular software reviews and upgrades as part of our Scheduled Maintenance service.

Donald Ross
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We’ve got decades of experience installing. configuring and optimising advanced security solutions for private & public sector organisations with complex security & compliance needs.