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A Fresh Start: Cyber Security Tools for 2024

Now more than ever is the perfect time to reflect on the past and consider how we can enhance our cyber security practices using cyber security tools. With new threats emerging by the second, staying one step ahead of cyber threats is crucial.

Within this blog, FullProxy will explore the best cyber security tools available in the market right now and provide insights on the steps you should take to refresh your network for a secure and resilient future.

FullProxy Tip:

Before we take a look at the cyber security tools available to you, it’s essential to assess your organisation’s specific needs and vulnerabilities. Start by conducting a thorough audit of your current security infrastructure, identify potential weaknesses (Our Pen Testing Service can help you do this!), and prioritise areas that require attention. This initial step will help you tailor your cyber security strategy to address the unique challenges your network faces.

Best Cyber Security Tools

1. Antivirus Software

  • A fundamental layer of defence against malware and other malicious threats.
  • Consider robust and reputable antivirus solutions that offer real-time protection and regular updates. A great option to consider is Fortinet’s portfolio of products in particular FortiGuard Antivirus software, it can help protect your network against a broad range of malware threats. It enhances security without impacting productivity or operations.

2. Firewall Protection

  • Implement a strong firewall to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  • Choose a firewall solution that includes intrusion detection and prevention capabilities. Cloudflare offers Firewall protection known as Magic Firewall not only does it cover your remote users, branch offices, data centers and cloud infrastructure. It can also be integrated with Cloudflare one, allowing you to a have a one-stop overview of everything that’s happening on your network.

3. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

  • Safeguard your data with a VPN, especially when accessing public Wi-Fi networks.

4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Strengthen access controls by requiring multiple forms of verification.
  • Opt for MFA solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing authentication processes.

5. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

  • Enhance threat detection and response capabilities with a SIEM system.
  • Seek platforms that provide real-time analysis of security alerts generated throughout your organisation. F5 Distributed Cloud allows you to gain insight into traffic identifying threats within real-time.

6. Endpoint Security

  • Protect individual devices from cyber threats with robust endpoint security solutions.
  • Ensure that the chosen tool includes features like antivirus, anti-malware, and device control.

Refreshing your network

Now that you have an understanding of the essential cyber security tools, it’s time to refresh your network. Consider the following steps:

1. Update and Patch Systems

  • Regularly update operating systems and software to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Establish a systematic approach to ensure timely updates across all devices.

2. Employee Training and Awareness

  • Educate your staff on the latest cyber security threats and best practices.
  • Conduct regular training sessions to reinforce security awareness among employees.

3. Regular Security Audits

  • Schedule periodic security audits to identify and address emerging threats.
  • Utilise Pen testing to simulate real-world attack scenarios and evaluate your network’s resilience.

4. Incident Response Plan

  • Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to minimise the impact of security breaches.
  • Regularly review and update the plan to reflect the evolving threat landscape.


In the fast-paced world of cyber security, a proactive approach to network defense is paramount. By carefully selecting the right cyber security tools and implementing a robust strategy, you can significantly enhance your organisation’s resilience against cyber threats. Take the time to assess your current security posture, invest in reliable tools, and follow best practices to ensure a secure and fresh start for your network in 2024.

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