Securing the Public Sector

Advanced Security Solutions for Public Sector Organisations

We have 30 years of industry-leading experience installing, configuring and optimising advanced cyber security solutions for the public sector, and are listed on all major Crown Commercial Service (CCS) frameworks

"Even when our remote users increased by ten times there was no impact on the user experience. Our staff were so impressed they were even talking about it on social media!"
Jonathan Wood
Deputy CEO, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Contracting with us is easy

We’re listed on all major Crown Commercial Service (CCS) frameworks.—either directly or via our framework partners.

So you can save time and money on your procurement timeframe and work with a fully compliant, qualified and trusted supplier.

Crown Commercial Service Supplier


Healthcare organisations are three times more likely to experience a cyber attack than other industries. When these attacks are successful, they put millions of patient records and sensitive data at serious risk. We help you:

Local Government

75% of local governments experience cyber-attacks at a “near-constant” rate. And when those attacks are successful, they put employee and public records at serious risk and can have significant impacts on public infrastructure and services. We help you:

Central Government

Central government remains a prominent target for threat actors and groups across the globe, with a successful attack having disastrous consequences for national security, public infrastructure, services and funds. We help you:

Why FullProxy?

Get advanced

Feel confident that your security tools are fully deployed and your organisation is properly protected with advanced implementation, configuration and ongoing maintenance.

Maximise return on investment

Access the technical expertise you need to optimise your solution, deliver the benefits you need and maximise your return on investment.

Secure your

Feel confident that you’ve done everything you can to deploy your tools and secure your organisation with around-the-clock protection and expert support. 

Minimise your security risk. Maximise your return on investment.

We’re the UK’s most certified F5 and Fortinet specialists and have 30 years of industry-leading expertise providing cyber security for the public sector.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you secure your environment and get quicker ROI from your investment.