
We're here to protect your world

Cyber Security is an essential part of your business. One which is probably already under the remit of your existing in-house experts. But chances are, these individuals are busy looking after day-to-day issues or do not have the specialist skills to optimally deploy the IT security solution that gives the level of protection your company needs. Which is where we come in.

Our highly skilled, highly specialised team live and breathe Cyber Security. When a solution is needed or there’s a security issue that needs resolving quickly, they can work as an extension of your own IT department. Whether being there for you only when needed or providing ongoing support and advice, you can think of our team as your team.

Our Service

Managed service

At FullProxy, we are one step ahead at noticing vulnerabilities before it’s too late making sure to resolve issues quickly before attackers can take advantage.

Man sat at desk in front of laptop


Your ability to detect and defend against attacks is important so that your assets are not at risk of being exploited by cyber-criminals. By automating your security posture management we can help raise your security posture.

Do you want to know more?

Our experts are here to help.
Contact us for more info or book a Teams call at a time that suits you.